Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Plans for May 15th

As anyone reading this must know Diablo 3 comes out May 15th. Many of us are coming up with detailed strategies for the long awaited moment the servers go live and lots have been sharing them with the community. This blog will focus solely on the strategies me and my two partners use for the AH and how well we do. I plan on posting regularly once the game launches. I'll be on the servers the second they come up leveling away on my wizard with my two buddies.

Another important thing to know is that I am not a gold making expert in any game. I have played wow extensively but never focused on gold, it has never excited or engaged me. Now that I have found a game with a Real Money Auction House that is no longer true. I have spent lots of time in the beta playing around in both AHs and loved it. This blog is just me sharing what I learn with anyone who cares. :) Hopefully I do well and can help you all do the same.

It's been 10 years since the last release in the Diablo series, the expansion set Lord of Destruction, came out. Are you guys ready yet???

First, I plan on level as hard and as fast as I can. This way I am one of the first players on nightmare, hopefully before the RMAH is implemented into the game sometime after launch. This will give me the advantage of selling better gear which will have a higher demand and a lower supply because most players will still be playing normal. As I continue to level and gear my group up I will move onto Hell and eventually Inferno difficulties, applying the same strategies and whatever knowledge I gain on the way.

While leveling on normal I will focus on a few things;
1)Completing quests fast while still exploring a bit
2)Selling good items (things that are usefull, based on stats) on the GAH
3)Salvage items for mats, sell on the GAH
4)Gear up enough for Nightmare while selling as much as possible
5)Buy up auctions that are obscenely cheap
6)Take note of trends

When Moving up a difficulty(Normal to Nightmare, Nightmare to Hell, Hell to Inferno);
1)Completing quests fast while still exploring a bit
2)Selling good items (things that are usefull, based on stats) on the RMAH. Never post more than 3-4 equipment auctions on the RMAH at one time due to the 10 auction limit. Either save good pieces or post on the GAH.
3)Salvage bad items for mats, sell on the RMAH (Use stacks to avoid the 10 auction limit, never sell nightmare+ mats on the GAH until prices in the RMAH drop later into the game's lifespan)
4)Buy obscenely cheap items off the GAH and sell on the RMAH if the profit is good or flip on the GAH
5)Sell Gold
6)Gear up (I think that in nightmare you will be able to use some magic find or gold find but in Hell and Inferno I will focus on dps/survival)
7)Continue to read other peoples blogs, monitor trends, and stay active.

In order to get to nightmare and beyond as quickly as possible I have taken off work next week and will be playing as close to nonstop as humanly possible. I'll be posting any small ideas I want to try, any time something suprises me, or even when I beat the game. The suspense is KILLING me!!!

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